Pastoral care during the vacancy
Despite its pastoral vacancy, the congregation's ministry continues. It will likely need to be pared back. It will also require additional effort from the congregation's leaders and members. A vacancy pastor's leadership and oversight is also essential. In consultation with the district president, the congregation should consider the following options. Both the needs of the congregation and the availability of vacancy pastors will be factors in how the congregation is served.
An on-site retired pastor
Scope of service
Serves about twenty hours per week
Leads worship every Sunday
Teaches Sunday Bible class, youth catechism, and adult instruction classes (BIC)
Assists the elders in visiting the hospitalized, the homebound, and mission prospects
Attends meetings
Typically serves 3-6 months
Minimum salary of $2,691 monthly ($2,500 plus $191 SECA contribution); this income must be reported on a W-2
Adequately-furnished parsonage or apartment
One round-trip between the pastor's home and congregation reimbursed at $0.25/mile plus meals and hotels
Ministry mileage reimbursed at $0.60/mile
The district president will assist the congregation in identifying candidates; due to the high number of pastoral vacancies in the WELS, acquiring the services of a retired pastor cannot be guaranteed
A local or regional pastor
Scope of service
Serves vacancy in addition to his own congregation
Leads worship all or most Sundays; the vacant congregation will likely need to adjust its worship schedule
Teaches Sunday Bible class, youth catechism, and adult instruction classes (BIC) as he is able
Works with leaders to coordinate the congregation's ongoing ministry; attends meetings as he is able
Visitation of the hospitalized, the homebound, and mission prospects is done by congregation's leaders
Minimum salary of $1,722 monthly ($1,600 plus $122 SECA contribution); this income must be reported on a W-2
Salary may be pro-rated, e.g., 100% for leading worship every Sunday, 50% for every other Sunday
Mileage to and from the congregation and ministry mileage reimbursed at $0.60/mile
The vacant congregation must be flexible with its schedule to allow the pastor to serve his home congregation too.
Due to the distance between WELS congregations on the east coast and the current congregational ministry load of pastors within relative driving distance, it is very unlikely that vacancy service of two or more Sundays per month can be a long-term option.
Cooperation of regional pastors
Scope of service
One or more pastors share pastoral responsibilities with the congregation’s leaders
Pastor(s) lead worship 1-2 times per month
Pastor(s) potentially teach Bible class, youth catechism, and adult instruction classes (BIC) as their schedules allow
Lead vacancy pastor involved in some coordination of congregation’s ongoing ministry through its leaders; attends meetings as he is able
On Sundays when there is no pastor available to serve, elders lead worship using sermons provided by lead vacancy pastor or possibly sermon videos from other WELS churches
Visitation of the hospitalized, the homebound, and mission prospects is done by congregational leaders
One Sunday worship and Bible Class: $200 plus mileage at $0.60 and tolls between his home and the church
One Sunday worship and Bible Class and youth catechism and BIC: $400 plus mileage at $0.60 and tolls between his home and the church and any additional ministry mileage
If multiple pastors are involved, the congregation should call one of them to be lead vacancy pastor who serves as the main point of contact and has pastoral oversight of the congregation.
Calling a vacancy pastor
Please work closely with the district president in identifying and calling a vacancy pastor.
Discuss details of responsibilities, compensation, housing, and time off with a potential vacancy pastor before extending a formal call. The congregation should not expect the vacancy pastor to work more than twenty hours per week. The congregation's ministry will likely need to be dialed back during the vacancy.
The vacancy pastor should be formally called by the congregation during a voters' meeting. Click the thumbnail for a printable call form. You may print a hardcopy and fill it out manually or fill in the text fields on your computer and email the pastor a digital copy.