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Do your best to present yourself

to God as one approved,

a worker who does not need

to be ashamed and who

correctly handles the word of truth.


2 Timothy 2:15

Do not continue to conform

to the pattern of this world,

but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that you test

and approve what is the will

of God—what is good,

pleasing, and perfect.


Romans 12:2

Lay Delegates

Each circuit in the district sends a delegate to the biennial convention. The circuit congregations are in rotation based on the last convention attended. Congregations are notified by the District Secretary at the District Convention when they are up in the rotation for Synod Convention the following year. Congregations are asked to commit by October and must have the name and contact information of the delegate submitted to the District Secretary by January 31st. 


Pastor/Teacher/Staff Minister Delegates

The synod typically requests 3 pastors and 1 male teacher /staff minister to attend synod convention. The Colonial North and Colonial South Conferences rotate between sending 1 pastor and 2 pastors to the Synod Convention.​ Called workers must be in the ministry for 5 years and in the district for 3 years before serving as a delegate. Delegates are selected based on years of service and years since a synod convention was last attended. Called workers cannot serve as a lay delegate. â€‹


What is the Cost?

Congregations are asked to cover the conference fee for the delegates and called workers. The fee for the 2025 convention is $275. This fee covers meals and some convention expenses. WELS reimburses congregations for travel and provides lodging in a dormitory. If a hotel is desired, that is at the expense of the individual or the congregation. Submit this reimbursement form by September 15, 2025 for travel expenses. 


When is Synod Convention?

Synod Convention takes place in July during odd number years. The 2025 Synod Convention is scheduled for July 21-24, 2025. 


Where is Synod Convention?

The Synod Convention rotates between Martin Luther College, Luther Preparatory School, and Michigan Lutheran Seminary. The 2025 convention is being held at Martin Luther College. 




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